2023-242013-142003-041993-941983-841973-741963-64 121953-54 121943-441933-34
2022-232012-132002-031992-931982-831972-731962-63 121952-53 121942-43 1231932-33
2021-222011-122001-021991-921981-821971-721961-62 121951-52 121941-42 1231931-32
2020-212010-112000-011990-911980-811970-711960-61 121950-51 121940-41 121930-31
2019-202009-101999-001989-901979-801969-701959-60 121949-50 121939-40 123451929-30
2018-192008-091998-991988-891978-791968-691958-59 121948-491928-29 12
2017-182007-081997-981987-881977-781967-68 121957-58 121947-48
2016-172006-071996-971986-871976-771966-67 121956-57 121946-47
2015-162005-061995-961985-861975-761965-66 121955-56 121945-461935-36 123
2014-152004-051994-951984-851974-751964-65 121954-55 121944-451934-35 123
2023-24 IIIIIIIVV2013-14 IIIIIIIV2003-04 IIIIIIIV1993-94 IIIIIIIV1983-84 III
2022-23 IIIIIIIVV2012-13 IIIIIIIV2002-03 IIIIIIIV1992-93 IIIIIIIV1982-83 III
2021-22 IIIIIIIVV2011-12 IIIIIIIV2001-02 IIIIIIIV1991-92 IIIIIIIV1981-82 III
2020-21 IIIIIIIVV2010-11 IIIIIIIV2000-01 IIIIIIIV1990-91 IIIIIIIV1980-81 III
2019-20 IIIIIIIV2009-10 IIIIIIIV1999-00 IIIIIIIV1989-90 IIIIIIIV1979-80 III
2018-19 IIIIIIIV2008-09 IIIIIIIV1998-99 IIIIIIIV1988-89 IIIIIIIV1978-79 III
2017-18 IIIIIIIV2007-08 IIIIIIIV1997-98 IIIIIIIV1987-88 IIIIIIIV1977-78 III
2016-17 IIIIIIIV2006-07 IIIIIIIV1996-97 IIIIIIIV1986-87
2015-16 IIIIIIIV2005-06 IIIIIIIV1995-96 IIIIIIIV1985-86 III
2014-15 IIIIIIIV2004-05 IIIIIIIV1994-95 IIIIIIIV1984-85 III


1 2 3
Played Matches Zubizarreta (622) Joaquín (622) Raúl García (609)
Lineup Matches Zubizarreta (622) Buyo (542) Sergio Ramos (530)
Substitute Matches Raúl García (185) Guti (159) Joaquín (149)
Complete Matches Zubizarreta (618) Buyo (538) Casillas (504)
Substituted Matches Joaquín (216) Benzema (195) Raúl García (189)
Called Matches Pinto (376) César (309) Moyá (242)
Total Called Matches César (710) Joaquín (678) Raúl García (658)
Minutes Played Zubizarreta (55746) Buyo (48717) Sergio Ramos (46480)
Seasons Soler (20) Joaquín (20) Raúl García (20)
Different Clubs Aranda (8) Sandro (8) Soldado (7)
Goals Messi (474) Cristiano Ronaldo (311) Zarra (252)
Goals as substitute Julio Salinas (28) De Paula (27) Messi (27)
Goals per match Lángara (1,167) Cristiano Ronaldo (1,065) Vieri (1)
Yellow Cards Sergio Ramos (194) Lopo (162) Raúl García (159)
Red Cards Sergio Ramos (21) Aguado (18) Pablo Alfaro (18)
Won Matches Messi (383) Busquets (352) Sergio Ramos (342)
Drawn Matches Joaquín (163) Raúl García (153) Loren (148)
Lost Matches Joaquín (210) Raúl García (187) Esnaola (178)
Matches without conceding goal Zubizarreta (235) Buyo (213) Casillas (177)
Matches scoring Messi (300) Raúl (186) Cristiano Ronaldo (183)
Braces Messi (133) Cristiano Ronaldo (85) Zarra (75)
Hat Tricks Messi (36) Cristiano Ronaldo (34) Zarra (23)
Goals Conceded Zubizarreta (625) Eizaguirre (613) Busto (581)
Goals Penalty Cristiano Ronaldo (61) Messi (60) Hugo Sánchez (56)
Own Goals Jordi Alba (5) Aparicio (5) Sergi (5)
Youngest Luka Romero (15) Sansón (15) Irastorza (15)
Oldest Harry Lowe (48) Joaquín (41) Reina (41)
Youngest scorer Lamine Yamal (16) Fabrice (16) Muniain (16)
Oldest scorer Donato (40) Jorge Molina (40) César (39)
Play against more teams Aguilera (41) Hierro (41) César (41)
Goals to more teams Messi (38) Benzema (35) Raúl (35)
Goals with more clubs Soler (7) Soldado (7) Aranda (7)
Goals in a single season Messi (50) Cristiano Ronaldo (48) Cristiano Ronaldo (46)
Goals per match in a single season Bata (1,706) Lángara (1,5) Pruden (1,5)
Bookings in a single season Săpunaru (20) Gamboa (19) López (18)
Substitute in a single season Javi García (32) Christiansen (29) De Paula (29)
Substituted in a single season Benítez (31) Nolito (31) Rubén García (29)
Consecutive Days Played Williams (251) Larrañaga (202) Arconada (188)
Consecutive Days Lineup Larrañaga (192) Arconada (188) Zubizarreta (184)
Consecutive Days Substitute Pandiani (16) Manucho (16) Craioveanu (13)
Consecutive Days Completed Arconada (188) Ipiña (165) Larrañaga (151)
Consecutive Days Substituted Munir (17) Navarro (17) Nolito (16)
Consecutive Days Winning Villa (16) Pedro (16) Iniesta (16)
Consecutive Days Drawing Valdés (9) García Navajas (9) Mina (8)
Consecutive Days Losing Larraz (11) Aparicio (11) Felo (11)
Consecutive Days Not Winning Arribas (28) Morales (26) Ramazani (24)
Consecutive Days Not Drawing Kakuta (31) Manucho (31) Manolín Cuesta (31)
Consecutive Days Not Losing Ter Stegen (42) Celayeta (38) Arconada (38)
Consecutive Days Scoring Messi (19) Ronaldo (10) Martín (10)
Consecutive Days Conceding Diego Alves (26) Juanmi (25) Emery (24)
Consecutive Days Not Conceding more than 1 goal Abel Resino (27) Betancort (25) Oblak (23)
Consecutive Days Not Conceding Abel Resino (13) Reina (8) Madinabeytia (8)
Consecutive Played Lineup Zubizarreta (622) Buyo (542) Casillas (470)
Consecutive Played Substitute Ortiz (51) Falcao (34) Bautista (33)
Consecutive Played Completed Orúe (391) César (353) Garay (341)
Consecutive Played Substituted Nolito (30) Benítez (21) Munir (17)
Consecutive Played Winning Busquets (25) Puyol (21) Villa (19)
Consecutive Played Drawing Salas (11) Valdés (10) Chazarreta (9)
Consecutive Played Losing Goberna (13) Villarroya (13) Cabal (13)
Consecutive Played Not Winning Clerc (39) Arribas (32) Jaime Romero (31)
Consecutive Played Not Drawing Paco Bienzobas (50) Ceballos (48) Manolín (45)
Consecutive Played Not Losing Iniesta (55) Butragueño (50) Messi (48)
Consecutive Played Scoring Messi (21) Cristiano Ronaldo (11) Ronaldo (11)
Consecutive Played Conceding Emery (54) Dauder (40) Florenza (36)
Consecutive Played Nor Scoring Arias (342) Fernando Navarro (318) Mauro Silva (316)
Consecutive Played Not Conceding more than 1 goal Abel Resino (38) Víctor Valdés (31) Betancort (25)
Consecutive Played Not Conceding Abel Resino (13) Reina (8) Claudio Bravo (8)